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Unraveling the Unexpected Twists of the Reedy Lineage through an iGENEA DNA Test

Family name Reedy

Imagine believing your roots are primarily North American, and suddenly discovering a deep connection to regions you’ve never considered part of your ancestry. That's what happened when I took the iGENEA DNA test. The results were unexpected, unravelling the complexity behind the Reedy surname. From finding surprising East European origins to discovering West Asian descent and unexpected occupational exposures - the test not only expanded my understanding of my heritage but also revealed surprising hereditary health predispositions.

C. Reedy

Despite having lived my whole life with the assumption that my lineage revolved around North American ancestry, the iGENEA DNA test results proved to offer something entirely different. The unexpected outcome expanded the historical and geographical context of my family's journey, which was indeed fascinating.

I found that the Reedy surname linked me to origins I had not expected. The largest percentage was East European, specifically from ancient Slavic tribes. This was a surprise, considering we always accredited our roots mainly to the Irish and British Isles.

Then the plot thickened. The test revealed smaller percentages pointing towards West Asian descent, potentially from regions bordering Iran and Syria. The findings unravelled a dynamic narrative, making me wonder about the possible adventures and migrations my ancestors must have embarked on.

Moreover, I found out that my forefathers were involved in occupations including farming, tradesmanship, and sculpture. These unexpected twists were captivating and gave depth to the otherwise limited understanding of my heritage.

But the surprises didn't end there. The test dived into genetic health predispositions, revealing a surprising amount of resistance towards cardiac diseases, often common in my supposed predominant Irish ancestry. This discovery was a bit of a relief, considering the prevalent heart diseases in the family.

Indeed, the iGENEA DNA test presented many surprises and unexpected turns. The Reedy surname proved to have a lineage far more complex than 'just North American'. The deeper connections to East Europe and West Asia, coupled with unexpected occupational exposures and heart disease resistance, unveiled a much richer legacy. These revelations have undoubtedly reshaped my understanding of my heritage.

C. Reedy

Further links

🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNACeltic DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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