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iGENEA DNA Test: Insightful Journey into the Origins and Lineage of the Dubose Surname

Family name Dubose

The DNA test by iGENEA enlightened me profoundly on the deep roots of the surname Dubose, revealing its rich and diverse journey across continents and time. Accurate and encompassing, the test unraveled the historical geography and tribal affiliations tied to Dubose, giving me a clear understanding of my paternal and maternal lineage.

T. Dubose

After taking the DNA test with iGENEA, my curiosity regarding my heritage and the deeper roots of my surname, Dubose, has been significantly demystified. Notably, iGENEA provides an encompassing genetic exploration that goes beyond the typical insights on ancestry and predispositions to health conditions.

The analysis provided by iGENEA uses autosomal DNA (ancestry by genealogy), mtDNA (Maternal line) and Y-DNA (Paternal line). In my case, the results constructed an enlightening narrative around paternal geography, maternal lineage, and comprehensive tribal affiliation. Specifically, they were successful in deciphering the historical geography of the Dubose surname.

The accuracy of the iGENEA DNA test is top-tier, estimated at approximately 99.9%. The science behind this is because humans share 99.9% of their genes, and the test identifies and scrutinizes the 0.1% difference. This method ensured precision in the revelation of my Dubose lineage.

To my surprise, the test revealed that the Dubose surname originates from French roots, tracing back to the periods of the French Huguenots. Intriguingly, iGENEA's tests further traced the Dubose side to the early colonizers in the United States, specifically in regions like South Carolina.

The test results highly intrigued me when they pinpointed my matrilineal line to a tribe from Central Africa. This peep into my maternal side served to counter-balance an otherwise strong patrilineal European bias normally traced in the Dubose lineage.

Overall, the depth and precision of iGENEA's DNA test have extended an enlightening lens on my lineage, making me appreciate more the diverse origins and journey that the Dubose name has traveled over centuries and continents.

T. Dubose

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNACeltic DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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