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Unlocking Surprising Heritage: A Journey into Past through iGENEA DNA Test – The Drewes' Saga

Family name Drewes

As someone with the Drewes surname, I always expected roots were solely in Western Europe. However, the iGENEA DNA test whimsically took me on an exploration journey where I found unexpected connections in Eastern Europe and North Africa. My understanding of my family heritage experienced a profound twist, one that broadens my perspective on history and the immense possibilities of human migration. Expanded beyond the expected borders.

S. Drewes

Surprisingly I discovered through my iGENEA DNA test, way beyond my expectations! The results not only opened up new realms of knowledge about my traceable origins but also took me on a profound journey into my past. As a Drewes, I found my roots in places I least expected, encountered long-lost havens, and even met distant relatives that made my surname glisten with varied colors of heritage that I had never perceived before. Furthermore, the twists of family origin in surprise locations and a lineage link that dates back to medieval times were phenomenal.

S. Drewes

Further links

🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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