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Unveiling Ancestral Mysteries: An Insight into the Carrillo Lineage through iGENEA DNA Test

Family name Carrillo

Recently, I availed the services of iGENEA, a genealogical testing company, to explore the mysteries shrouded within my family lineage. It was an enlightening dive into my personal history, specifically in understanding the Carrillo surname's rich history. The detailed results, accurate and comprehensive, left me stunned with the vastness of my genetic lineage that ties me to the Iberian Peninsula.

Z. Carrillo

As someone with a keen interest in ancestry and deep-diving into my family's origins, I decided to explore my genetic lineage via iGENEA, a reputable genealogical testing company. Their DNA test kit, complete with meticulous instructions, was comprehensive and straightforward.

After receiving my DNA test results, I was astounded by the precision with which they could trace my lineage and aid in my understanding of my Carrillo surname. Derived from old Spanish "carro" meaning "cart," it pointed towards ancestors who were cart makers or cart drivers. Such a simple definition expanded into an unimaginably rich history made visible through my DNA test.

The main highlight of the results was my deep roots in the Iberian Peninsula, matching the known geographical distribution of the Carrillo surname. The detailed Y-DNA test gave me a clear overview of my paternal lineage.

The haplogroup assigned, R1b, predominantly found in Western Europe, correlated well with the historical background of the Carrillo name. Darkness engulfed about specific ancestors, unraveled themselves when the results pinpointed to several male-line ancestors from Spain to Mexico, during the colonization era.

On the maternal side, the Mt-DNA test results revealed haplogroup H, generally associated with regions in Western Eurasia. This result connected intriguingly with assumptions that the female ancestors in my Carrillo line possibly migrated from Eurasia to the Iberian Peninsula, reflecting the recollections of maternal lineage.

Beyond this, the ethnic mix percentage presented an amalgamation of different geographical identities intertwined with each other, shedding light on complex migration patterns.

The data was delivered via a user-friendly interface that provided an easy-to-understand genetic breakdown, no small feat considering the complex nature of genetic data. The technical aspects were evidently top-notch, and the accuracy of information lent a sense of authenticity to the entire process.

My iGENEA DNA test results have undoubtedly deepened my grasp on my Carrillo lineage. They have filled me with a sense of awe for ancestry, genetics, and the remarkable journey my predecessors undertook across centuries and continents.

Z. Carrillo

Further links

🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNACeltic DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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